One-Year Celebration of JournalTalk

JT_OneYear_StarHappy First Anniversary! This episode is dedicated to you, the JournalTalk listeners, and all your collective wisdom about journaling. We’ve been podcasting together, talking about journaling, for twelve months, and I’m sharing voice messages from fans across the world.

Another celebration: I’ve completed my instructor certification from the Center for Journal Therapy, and now taking registrations for my first “Journal To The Self” workshop, a tutorial on 22 different journaling techniques, based on the work of Kathleen Adams. Register here, or get more information about this amazing course that has helped people begin their own lifetime practice of effective journal-writing.

Book Review: Albert Diaz Cruz shares his review of Writing From the Body by John LeePlease leave a comment below to enter the drawing for a copy of this book mailed to you for free!  (JournalTalk, Episode #25, February 16, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Voiceover: Kym Maher, Tami Egbert & Thomas Gerrard

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4 thoughts on “One-Year Celebration of JournalTalk

  1. Barbara Stahura

    Hi, Nathan. I already have the book, so don’t enter me in the drawing. I just want to say that it’s a fascinating read and will change the way you look at the origins of your writing.

  2. Lucille Allegretti-Freeman

    I enjoyed listening to the many ways that journaling has enriched the lives of so many people. When I listen to these conversations, I find my tribe. Having a rich journaling life (and now visual journaling) has allowed me to live a deeper life and offer more to the world at large.

    Thanks for all your efforts,


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