Category Archives: JournalTalk

Shannon Hernandez

Journaling Her Way to Freedom

Shannon HernandezMy guest this episode wrote in her journal the details of the last forty days of her exit from the public school system, and into her own business as “The Writing Whisperer“. Today, Shannon Hernandez helps people solidify the words they use to connect with their audience, as creator of the “Word Ambassador Circle”, of which I am proud to be part.


With laughter and playfulness, Shannon and I discuss a variety of journaling topics, from the simple (How many notebooks do you have going at one time? Do you use pens or pencils?) to the profound. Shannon shares her plans for “writing expeditions” — connecting journaling with the outdoors — as well as a helpful “Year in Review” journal-writing exercise.

Book Review: Albert Diaz Cruz gives his journal-writing book recommendation this week for Christina Baldwin’s book, One to One: Self-Understanding Through Journal Writing. Use the link here and JournalTalk will receive a small percentage of your purchase. Thanks for supporting this podcast! (JournalTalk, Episode #28, March 31, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Voiceover: Kym Maher, Tami Egbert & Thomas Gerrard

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen: Click on the “play” button > below.

Ruth Folit with JT logo behind

The International Association for Journal Writing

JT_Ruth_FolitAs promised in Episode #13, Ruth Folit (the brains behind the LifeJournal Online software) has come back to share about the International Association for Journal Writing.

In this episode, we discuss how the Association got started, its reputation and offerings, and what Ruth has learned from her time as founder. As usual, we get to hear some inspiring ways that journaling can produce amazing results in daily living.

Special Offer: For listeners of JournalTalk, Ruth is extending your IAJW membership by six months, when you gift a year’s membership to a friend. Know anyone who loves journaling? They’ll thank you for this library of resources! (JournalTalk, Episode #27, March 17, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Voiceover: Kym Maher, Tami Egbert & Thomas Gerrard

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen: Click on the “play” button > below.

Progoff’s Intensive Journaling Method

JT_IraProgoffIt’s time to call in the great-grandfather of journaling himself, Dr. Ira Progoff! In this episode, I share a clip from a past interview with Dr. Progoff, who is the founder of The Dialogue House, inventor of the most famous journaling methodology, and as far as I can tell, the first psychologist to ever prescribe the use of journaling!

I discuss the Progoff Intensive Journal Method with Ira’s son, Jon Progoff, who shares with us an insider’s perspective on Ira’s career and contributions to the world. This conversation inspired me to book a flight to the nearest Progoff workshop (theyr’e still being offered all around the country at an affordable price). I attended an amazing four-day workshop in Tucson, AZ, and got a LOT of writing done. In a separate episode, I share my findings and reactions to the Progoff experience.

Book Review: You might also check out Dr. Progoff’s book, At a Journal Workshop(JournalTalk, Episode #26, March 2, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Voiceover: Kym Maher, Tami Egbert & Thomas Gerrard

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

One-Year Celebration of JournalTalk

JT_OneYear_StarHappy First Anniversary! This episode is dedicated to you, the JournalTalk listeners, and all your collective wisdom about journaling. We’ve been podcasting together, talking about journaling, for twelve months, and I’m sharing voice messages from fans across the world.

Another celebration: I’ve completed my instructor certification from the Center for Journal Therapy, and now taking registrations for my first “Journal To The Self” workshop, a tutorial on 22 different journaling techniques, based on the work of Kathleen Adams. Register here, or get more information about this amazing course that has helped people begin their own lifetime practice of effective journal-writing.

Book Review: Albert Diaz Cruz shares his review of Writing From the Body by John LeePlease leave a comment below to enter the drawing for a copy of this book mailed to you for free!  (JournalTalk, Episode #25, February 16, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Voiceover: Kym Maher, Tami Egbert & Thomas Gerrard

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

Writing for Health & Wellness

JT_JohnEvansReturning to JournalTalk is Dr. John Evans, founder of Wellness and Writing Connections. Back in Episode #15, Dr. Evans shared about his connection to the rewriting of the landmark research compendium, Writing To Heal, by Dr. James Pennebaker. In this episode, Dr. Evans shares an update on that work (including its new title, Expressive Writing For Health) as well as some heart-stirring examples of the kind of work that he does. Don’t miss this: Dr. Evans reads some writings from one workshop participant (shared with the author’s permission, of course). Very moving!

In addition to this interview, I am pleased to introduce to you Albert Diaz Cruz, a journaling workshop aficionado, who will be sharing book reviews from journaling experts with us from time to time. His first book review is on The New Diary by Tristine Rainer. Please leave a comment below to enter the drawing for a copy of this book mailed to you for free!  (JournalTalk, Episode #24, February 6, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Voiceover: Kym Maher, Tami Egbert & Thomas Gerrard

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

Gratitude Journaling

JT_LisaRyanHappy 2014! While all the buzz about new year’s resolutions continues, you can tune into my “Staying Started” episode for some tips about keeping strong with the promises we’ve made. This episode, I’m kicking off the new year with a dose of gratitude.  My guest this week has powerful, pragmatic suggestions for keeping a gratitude journal.

Lisa Ryan is an author and keynote speaker who emphasizes the importance of appreciation. She shares some incredible stories about how thanksgiving has transformed her own life. You can watch some of her videos on YouTube here. Her profound teachings are also featured in the movie The Gratitude Experiment. Her company, offers a variety of ways to fill your life with the health and healing power of gratefulness.

Meanwhile, during this episode’s various stages of production, I was attending the Ninth Annual People’s Choice Podcast Awards in Las Vegas, so the lesson on gratitude was very real for me, as I lived through the suspense of finding out whether or not JournalTalk received the “Health & Fitness Podcast of the Year” for 2013.  You’ll have to listen to find out!  (JournalTalk, Episode #23, January 13, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Voiceover: Kym Maher, Tami Egbert & Thomas Gerrard
Logo Art: Wendy Kipfmiller

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

The Ultimate Journaling Tour-Guide


My final guest for 2013 is the lovely Hannah Braime, another journaling coach influenced by Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, and who is now teaching people how to keep in a kind and compassionate relationship with themselves.

Hannah will be presenting with Lynda Monk and me at the 2nd Annual Journaling Expo on January 12th at 10:00 AM (Pacific Time Zone). Come register for this free event here.

In this episode, Hannah and I discuss both of her books: The Ultimate Guide to Journaling, and From Coping to Thriving: How to Turn Self-Care into a Way of Life. Both of these, and her weekly podcast titled “Becoming Who You Are”,  are available on her website at Be sure to check out her interview of me in a recent episode!

Journal-keepers young and old will undoubtedly appreciate Hannah’s wise tips for remembering to be gentle with ourselves in the process of personal growth. She shared a new resource with me called, which I’ll be checking out this week. For all these reasons, I cherished my conversation with Hannah, and look forward to working more with her in 2014.  (JournalTalk, Episode #22, December 23, 2013)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Voiceover: Kym Maher, Tami Egbert & Thomas Gerrard
Logo Art: Wendy Kipfmiller

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

Journaling with Ho, Ho, Ho! (Holistic Holiday Health!)


The Oprah of Therapeutic Journaling is back again, and just in time — with good tidings for our health and well-being during this holiday season.

In this episode, Mari L. McCarthy and I discuss a full range of topics: from the upcoming journaling challenges being offered at CreateWriteNow; to the power of mindful eating; to the connection between mind, body and soul; to the free 2nd Annual Journaling Expo webinar scheduled for January … and more!

I was also curious to ask Mari how her ambidextrous morning pages are coming since Episode #3, when she first explained them. She gave a mind-blowing and inspiring reply, illustrating once more that journaling is a therapeutic tool for holistic health!  (JournalTalk, Episode #21, December 9, 2013)

Music: and Mari L. McCarthy
Voiceover: Thomas Gerrard
Logo Art: Wendy Kipfmiller,

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

Sue Meyn

Journal Magic

Sue MeynEven though the outward process of journaling is simply the writing out of thoughts and feelings from our experience, avid journal-writers will tell you that it is much more than that. The new possibilities and inner worlds of creativity which emerge from journaling are often referred to as magic!

Join me and my guest, Sue Meyn on an exploration of what makes journals magical. Sue discusses her Number One rule: S.A.F.E.T.Y.! (Journal coaches: This is a beautiful six-step process for leading journal workshops.) We also discuss her widely-popular “magic” deck of JournalCards, which are excellently designed and decorated, and can be used as an engaging tool for entering into a space of creativity and self-reflection in your journaling.

Sue is another certified trainer of the “Journal To The Self” workshop, and also a member of the International Association of Journal Writers. She has facilitated writing groups for cancer patients and their caregivers at the Cancer Support Community. In this episode we discuss her book, Journal Magic, along with Ira Progoff’s work, and a variety of other topics.

SPECIAL OFFER: JournalTalk listeners, get your own creative deck of JournalCards, or have a gift set mailed anywhere in the U.S.A. for just $15.00. That’s more than 33% off the listed price. This offer is only valid until the next episode is released, so head over to the Journal Magic Store today.

(JournalTalk, Episode #20, November 25, 2013)

Voiceover: Tami Egbert and Kym Maher
Logo Art: Wendy Kipfmiller,

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

Kathleen Adams

A Whole Universe of Journaling!

JT_KayAdamsAfter creating and leading her first “WriteOn!” journaling workshop in 1985, Kathleen Adams knew she had found her purpose in the world. Since then, she has made an impressive list of accomplishments and contributions to the field.

Her book, Journal to the Self: Twenty-Two Paths to Personal Growth, is among the most-referenced, pragmatic guides to the craft. It has become the basis of her signature Instructor Certification program at The Center for Journal Therapy

In this episode, we discuss some other titles she’s written on journal-writing, a few amazing (and utterly important) projects that keep her stimulated, a review of her “Journal Ladder”, and her brand-new creation, The Journalverse, a worldwide, friendly block-party for all journaling enthusiasts! (JournalTalk, Episode #19, November 11, 2013)

UPDATED, SPECIAL OFFER: JournalTalk listeners get 25% off the upcoming Journal-To-The-Self workshop, when you register before March 1, 2014. Just use the coupon code “JOURNALTALK” at check-out. This offer expires when the next episode of JournalTalk is released, so please head over today! 

Voiceover: Tami Egbert and Kym Maher
Logo Art: Wendy Kipfmiller,

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

Nathan and his mom

The Journal-Writer’s Guide to Staying Started


One of the most common questions I answer in my journal-writing courses is “How can I keep consistent in my writing?”  In this special episode of JournalTalk, I share some material from my new, upcoming course, Getting Started, Staying Started; and I propose that today is the best time to consider your New Year’s Resolutions.

Rather than basing our goals on a twelve-o-clock wish without any plan or support, what if we take just a few minutes each day, starting now, to make a fresh start.  The reason so many people fail to keep their resolutions isn’t laziness or lack of motivation.  We’re great at starting something new, but we don’t always know how to stay started!  I share three traits of successful journal-writers that keep high enthusiasm for their personal growth.  And I offer a special introductory discount for my three-week journaling workshop that starts December 1st. (JournalTalk, Episode #18, October 28, 2013) 

Staying Started e-book

SPECIAL OFFER: Click the book image for a special offer on my book, “The Journal-Writer’s Guide to Staying Started.”

Voiceover: Tami Egbert, Pam Alexander
Logo Art: Wendy Kipfmiller,

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

Ken and Barbara Stahura

Journaling After Brain Injury


Barbara Stahura’s life was turned inside-out the moment her husband Ken was struck by an automobile.  The first four minutes of this episode, Barbara tells the story of how she turned to journal-writing to cope with the myriad of stressful details, and to create a path toward healing from the trauma.

The rest of the episode, Barbara shares why she is grateful that it happened.  Today, she is a Certified Journal Facilitator with The Center for Journal Therapy.  Her unique journal-writing workshops have been made into a workbook: “After Brain Injury: Telling Your Story”, a guide for people (re)shaping the stories they have of themselves and what’s possible. Barbara gives practical examples of writing exercises she uses in her workshops.

Barbara has also written a memoir, What I Thought I Knew, a heartfelt collection of stories, full of humor and insight, sharing life’s uncertainties and fears, bravery and joy.  Barbara also writes a blog and publishes articles on the subject of journaling and brain injury.

I especially enjoyed this episode because of Barbara’s love and passion for her work, and the difference she is making one workshop at a time.  (JournalTalk, Episode #17, October 14, 2013)

Voiceover: Tami Egbert and Kym Maher
Logo Art: Wendy Kipfmiller,

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

Dolly Garland

Kaizen Journaling


Meet Dolly Garland, journaling coach for the brave of heart.  Her name may have you think of the sweetness of Dolly Parton, or the lovable innocence of Judy Garland.  And she may be some of those things, but watch out!  Dolly Garland is a fierce Kaizen warrior, and takes her self-improvement seriously.Her website, Kaizen Journaling, is a training library for daring souls to face themselves with ambition, audacity, and authenticity — three traits she believes are hallmarks of a true reflective writing practice.I enjoyed getting to know Dolly, and discussing her book, The 365 Days of Journaling.  She succinctly describes the benefits available for those who make journaling a regular habit.  Dolly also explains what kaizen means, and how she borrowed the term from Japanese manufacturing, and applies it to taking an honest look in the mirror while writing.  (JournalTalk, Episode #16, September 30, 2013)

Audio Editor:  s.o. o’brien
Music: Paul Mottram, ”Ooh Yea” and “Bliss” (
Voiceover: Tami Egbert and Kym Maher
Logo Art: Wendy Kipfmiller,

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

Writing To Heal

Who knew, back in Episode #4 when I discovered the amazing-but-unavailable book, Writing To Heal, that I’d eventually be interviewing the co-author of its revised and updated edition?!!

I learned a lot from my guest this week, John F. Evans, MAT, MA , Ed.D., a consultant, writing clinician, and an integrative health coach who speaks at national and international conferences about the power of writing to create better health, overcome trauma, and build resilience. He is also the founder and executive director of Wellness & Writing Connections, providing individual, group, and institutional life course guidance programs.

JT_JohnEvansThe first thing I learned from John is that I still have much more to learn about being an effective journaling coach!  With an astute-yet-modest perspective, John shares some of the scientifically proven health benefits of expressive writing (while cautioning me of the potential dangers of simply touting them to others)!  We also discuss the Pennebaker Paradigm, and the contribution that John is making to update and re-publish the landmark guidebook in this field, Writing To Heal, by Dr. James Pennebaker.  As mentioned in Episode #4, this groundbreaking and revered work has been out-of-print for several years.

John also publishes articles for Psychology Today in a column entitled Write Yourself Well, and is leading a workshop, “Transform Your Health”, with the International Association of Journal Writers later this month.  John teaches workshops at Duke Integrative Medicine, Duke Medical School, and the UNC Wellness Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  We’ll talk more about these in a future episode!  (JournalTalk, Episode #15, September 15, 2013)

Music: Christopher Brooke, “Happy Me” and Paul Mottram, ”Easy Bean Swing” (
Voiceover: Tami Egbert and Kym Maher
Logo Art: Wendy Kipfmiller,

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.

Journaling for Authentic Refreshment

Those of you already familiar with Dawn Herring will find this episode a special treat.  She is even more inspiring and engaging than you’ve come to expect from her years of hosting the weekly Twitter chat room she calls #JournalChat Live! Your “Refreshment Specialist” shares bountifully from her years of experience and hundreds of interviews.

Dawn Herring

Those of you meeting Dawn for the first time: get ready to meet a Wonder Woman in the field of journal writing.  Dawn Herring is a talent scout for journaling tips and techniques.  If you’ve published an article online about the many virtues or approaches to journal writing, chances are Dawn will find you!  And soon you’ll find yourself invited to the world’s largest chatroom arena on journaling, a Twitter event that she hosts on the first Sunday afternoon of each month at 1:00 PM Pacific / 4:00 PM Eastern (updated 12/8/13).

Our lively and profound conversation weaves in and out of personal stories, journaling tips, and a whole bunch of amazing projects that Dawn is up to.  From her fine art in pointillism, to a blog on electrical safety she maintains an aura she calls Authentic Refreshment for herself and those around her:  “Appreciate Yourself For Who You Really Are, Validate Your Feelings, and Nurture Your Soul.”  (JournalTalk, Episode #14, September 1, 2013)

Music: Paul Mottram, ”Easy Bean Swing” and “Short n Sweet” (
Voiceover: Tami Egbert and Kym Maher
Logo Art: Wendy Kipfmiller,

To Subscribe:
Apple/iPhone/iTunes: Click here.
Google/Feedburner: Click here.
Blubrry site: Click here.

To Listen:
Click on the “play” button > below.