Frame of Mind Journaling

Kim Ades on JournalTalkKim Ades takes journal-writing to a whole new level. Her company, Frame of Mind Coaching, combines the power of journaling with trained, professional coaching to help clients achieve breakthrough results in a very short period of time.

Through her licenseable, online journaling software, JournalEngine, Kim’s clients tap into their own thought patterns to identify hidden beliefs that are holding them back from the success they seek.

I enjoyed discussing the concepts of coaching people through an active journal-writing routine, and I’m considering joining Kim’s team. Please let me know what you think?  (JournalTalk, Episode #42, October 28, 2014)

SPECIAL OFFER:  In this episode, Kim offers a free trial of the “Frame of Mind Coaching” program. After completing this short assessment (be sure to tell her that you heard about it on JournalTalk!) you will be matched up with a journal coach, who will work with you using a daily journaling practice, to get new results in your life, and make dormant dreams a reality.

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Music and Voiceovers: Music Radio Creative

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To Listen: Click on the “play” button > below.

3 thoughts on “Frame of Mind Journaling

  1. Leslie Levy

    What an amazing podcast! What I found particularly interesting was the idea that emotional resilience, a quality that extraordinarily successful people have a lot of, can be developed and nurtured in the average person, like me for example. Through a daily journal practice and the help of a journal coach, I can figure out what’s really going on with me and what’s holding me back from the life I want and deserve. Thanks, Nathan, for providing these enlightening and timely podcasts—can’t wait for the next one.

    1. Nathan Ohren Post author

      Thanks Leslie! I love your statement, “I can figure out what’s holding me back from the life I want and deserve.” This is definitely where journaling can provide deep insights, and open new doorways of ACTION, so we are not just TALKING about transformation, but engaging with it.

  2. Pingback: Q&A: “How Do I Become a Journaling Coach?” | Write4Life

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