JournalTalk answers your questions about journaling

Q&A: “Why Should I Read My Old Journals?”

JTQA_LogoSteve raises a question on which Mari and I respectfully (and playfully) disagree. Are your journals stuck in a past that is no longer relevant? Or, are there good reasons (besides wandering down memory lane) to go back and re-reading old journal entries?

Some lifelong journal-writers will say the best part about keeping a journal is the zen-like attention and awareness of the present moment; and going backwards in time to read old stories is completely counter to that intention. Mari even (gulp!) throws them away!

And while I agree with that mindset, I know that my journals contain some deliciously captured moments, and zen-like insights of which I enjoy reminding myself.

Perhaps the best answer lies in the paradox somewhere in-between. Write as if you’ll throw away your journals, but keep them so you can cherish those “in-the-moment” reflections! (Click here to Tweet this!)

Please share: What do you get from re-reading your journals? Inspiration? Material for publication? Future blog-posts? A chronology to pass on to future generations? Entertaining reminders of a time gone by?

If you have a question for a future episode of JournalTalk Q&A, please call and leave a voicemail with your question at 1-805-751-6280 (only normal toll charges may apply). If your question is featured, we will send you a thank-you gift for sharing your voice! (JournalTalk Q&A, Episode #15, November 4, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Voiceover: Thomas Gerrard

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3 thoughts on “Q&A: “Why Should I Read My Old Journals?”

  1. Leslie Levy

    Thanks so much for this Q and A episode of JournalTalk, Nathan! I loved the creative suggestion you had to counteract the frustration of sloshing through hundreds of journal entries to find the few gems. Leaving a few pages for an index or table of contents at the beginning is a great idea. Keep those podcasts coming!

  2. Pingback: Q&A: “What Kind of Journal-Writing Makes for the Best Future Reading?” | Write4Life

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